In the surrounding area and on my back pain under ribs

Back pain is a different character to wear. One agonizing types of pain in the surrounding area. That binds, movement, and paroxysmal character often result in a large amount it can cause. Can't be and no way to ignore him. In the background may not seem to be any reason, under the ribs on my back and pain in the surrounding area? How to defeat?

Causes pain and characteristic


If to compare with other background diseases may appear to be such a pain, the worst skirted. They can be long-term or short-term weather, is characterized by frequent seizures. The main reasons are extremely hard to reveal to reveal himself as a typical, so this development of pain as a symptom that may occur in numerous pathologies, like around internal organs and with the elements directly as with a large portion Nov-skeletal system.

Nov diseases-skeletal system

If spinal problems as the main reason for pain, most likely, the pain will be felt greatly in the background. They signal about the development of herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis. Typically, these notes increased pain and motion curve, bend. Additional symptoms are slowly beginning to emerge as a burning sensation, tingling, numbness, sweating, a feeling of squeeze the nerve root such as what about a signal.

Attention! If pathology is to articulate the spine, as well as pain over time, or paresis of the lower extremities with the issues that you can earn internal organs and paralysis.

Also, why such a pain under the ribs generally, and bone injuries directly on this site. It provokes minor injury or even a simple rib fractures, pain and a pretty bad crack supplied by a constant pain, shortness of breath, etc. the basic characteristic symptoms include abrasions, hematomas, edema.

Attention! If you have coughing blood, and sharp bone fragments lung injury most likely occurred.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease is capable of very vile life. Quite often the pain syndrome that is felt on the back, between the ribs under them. In addition, the patient feels a strong, unpleasant burning sensation, "goose bumps" on the skin, even during normal breathing deep breathing move freely and the pain is stronger, it is felt, and the region of the ribs and waist area. The main reasons intercostal neuralgia – this injury, sprain, a series of Nov, was in a position where for a long time. Disease itself is not dangerous, but why is it a major inconvenience.

Attention! If there are two types of intercostal neuralgia of the lesion, the pain will all be back. But in general, they usually just felt.

Lung pathology


To provoke such a symptom may be, and many pathologies of the internal organs, such as heart and lungs, items, digestive system. What is important to remember the symptoms of pneumonia upper quadrant pain is an important transition for a spin – it's a dangerous disease, which often ends deadly such a heavy treatment under continuous control, doctors (hospitals). Pneumonia symptoms include high body temperature that characterizes additional definitely, purchasing in the region of the nose leather and cyanotic tint.

Attention! Immediately at the first sign of pneumonia is important, why is "Ambulance". Non-qualified care doctors you will not beat this disease.

Pathology of digestive organs

This is the most common causes of back pain under the ribs and in the manufacture of the cross beam, although the digestive system and irrelevant Nov-aircraft machine. Usually, the entity about such a symptom in the following subjects.

  • Pancreatitis – fatty foods are usually visible. The pain does not stop, even a person in the supine position. The syndrome is usually felt the body parts left, under the ribs.
  • Cholecystitis characterized by the presence of pain under left rib in the back with dedication. In addition, the person lives, nausea, start him, and shoot.
  • Ulcers of various localization – usually the walls of the stomach or duodenal ulcer 12. The pain is very severe, notes, nausea. The pain localized under left ribs and body wraps.
  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver disease characterized by the presence of the body with a source of the pain on the right side under the ribs.
  • Time , problems with the spleen, pain under the ribs and is felt in the area to the left is marked by the tread.
  • Appendicitis in the surrounding area only accompanied by pain, right lower abdomen and slowly, but nausea, fatigue, temperature increase.

Other causes

It may seem a pain in a skirt, and other reasons:

  • renal colic;
  • development of tumours (cancer of the pancreas, stomach);
  • gallbladder problems;
  • herpes zoster;
  • a heart attack.

If you want to learn in more detail what should I do if back pain is the kidney in the area, taking into account the possible causes and effective treatment methods, you can read an article about it on our site.



Correctly identified the cause pain in the surrounding area is very important. Such symptoms may report a presence so clearly already above most lung diseases are extremely serious and life-threatening pathologies. Unfortunately, most likely you will be able to cope with this task, just he's a doctor. You must assign a series of expert studies to uncover the real reason:

  • blood and urine tests. Examined, including blood biochemistry;
  • research discharge, lung;
  • chest X-ray, upper-Nov-skeletal system;
  • ULTRASOUND of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy.

The doctor will receive them on the basis of their story. In general, you may need to consult various specialists, neurologists, orthopedic trauma, gastroenterologists, etc.

It is extremely difficult to determine the cause of your own pain. A symptom of common properties that you can try. Because it should not be forgotten the source of pain, his character (acute, dull, aching, medium, unbearable, etc.) a number of factors that occur in which the pain becomes stronger (e.g., shortness of breath, coughing, bending, Nov voltage). And sometimes pain when it is important to know – Discovery, warm, accepting or litigation analgesic medication, before or after her meals, etc.

Table. Depending on the type and possible causes pain.

Place and pain medicine Possible causes
In the thoracic region Low back pain, herniated disc between the vertebrae state the obvious, neuralgia.
Under shoulder blades Nov corset with extreme problems, central nervous system, heart, heart attack, stomach, spine injuries.
Body parts left Pathology of the liver, pancreatitis, gall bladder inflammation, kidney disease, including the presence of stone.
Pain right Cholecystitis, cholelithiasis disease, pancreatitis, appendicitis.
A sharp pain Pathology of neuralgia, renal or hepatic colic, pancreatitis, ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy, problems with the spine.


Only a doctor is able to assign a crossbeam in the manufacture of any pain during treatment, especially if you are having a problem, have their own reasons for an independent definition. A series of pathologies in any case I need urgent help experts. Escorts will be the treatment method, depending on the cause of the pain syndrome formation.

Attention! Pain relievers and antispasmodic drugs usually eliminate the symptom, but the pain temporarily and will come back with more damage to be extended or pointless Nov sure if.

Doctors prescription treated with medication. Typically, this pain or inflammation. Depending on the cause, can be divided into ointments, pills, injection, etc. in some cases, surgery may be necessary.


It hurts

Reduce the risk of pathology in the manufacture of the cross beam that emerged as a result of pain, your visit unforgettable:

  • proper and balanced diet;
  • creation of a supportive emotional environment;
  • a healthy lifestyle and increased physical load (in moderation);
  • walking in the fresh air often;
  • meticulous personal hygiene.

How to relieve back pain?

1. step. First, visit a doctor for advice treatment and advice, pain, required to go through for sinav put the exact diagnosis.

2.step Recommended chiropractor, recording sessions, acupuncture, pain causes if there are problems with Nov-skeletal system.

Step 3. Helps to alleviate the situation, and massage. Necessary to complete a full course, therapeutic massage, pre by finding a good expert.

Step 4. Sometimes the pain of defeat, and physical therapy. And sports through a series of disease to prevent the development.

Step 5. Also helps to eliminate the pain, mud. Now you are not able to pass the course, and a sanatorium immediately.

6. step. Perform simple stretching exercises and proposed back. I would recommend the resort doctor.

7. step. Sometimes the best doctor in this restful sleep, rest. Get a good sleep and try to sleep after an important time for you to find. Also it is recommended to buy quality pillow and mattress.

8. step. In some cases, you can quickly get rid of the pain helping analgesic medication. Just worth taking according to the directions, and get them involved too.

Step 9. While back important concern about the situation. Who makes a sit-business, and regular exercise it is recommended to buy a quality chair for your back and neck. Who makes heavy physical labor on a regular basis it is advisable to perform warm-up and stretching dosage and the load himself, not forcing.

In the surrounding area pain, back or under the ribs serious about developing a signal pathologies. Therefore, a value given to him the utmost attention and go to the doctor immediately, especially if as soon as he is, reintroduced for a short time or frequently. It's not worth it to self-medicate, this could be a reason, why in some cases a sad death and a more active development of pathologies.